Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Connection with Oracle and VB.NET

Connection with Oracle and VB.NET

In this section i show how connect with oracle and VB.NET

At first Design a form with .NET.

Print Screen

Add Module from new add Items .Then new module will be added .
Write main connection sting in this module
Example code:

Imports System.Data.OleDb 'Working with oledb data access
Module Module1
Public orada As OleDbDataAdapter 'Represents a set of data commands and a database connection that are
' ''used to fill the DataSet and update the data source.
Public orads As DataSet
Public oradrSQL As OleDbDataReader 'is used to read rows from source
Public oracnSQL As OleDbConnection 'Represent a unique connection to a database
Public oracmSQL As OleDbCommand 'Present a SQL statement to execute against a data source
Public orastrSQL As String
Public oraconnectionString As String = _
"Provider=msdaora;Data Source=dboracle;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=scott;Password=tiger;Unicode=True"

Public Sub mainConnection()
oracnSQL = New OleDbConnection(oraconnectionString)
End Sub
Public Sub load_grid()
orada = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from table_info", oraconnectionString)
orads = New DataSet
orada.Fill(orads) 'Fill keeps data into dataset
FrmInfo.DataGridView1.DataSource = orads.Tables(0)
End Sub
End Module

Now this connection call from form

So that all SQL statement will executed like Save,Delete,Update,Search,Exit

Note: Connection must be call in Load event

Example code :

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class FrmInfo
Private Sub frmSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles frmSave.Click

orastrSQL = "insert into table_info values('" & _
TextBox1.Text & "', '" & _
TextBox2.Text & "', '" & _
TextBox3.Text & "', '" & _
TextBox4.Text & "', '" & _
TextBox5.Text & "', '" & _
TextBox6.Text & "', '" & _
TextBox7.Text & "')"

oracmSQL = New OleDbCommand(orastrSQL, oracnSQL)
oracmSQL.ExecuteNonQuery() 'perform insert,update or delete operations
MessageBox.Show("Saved Successfully")
End Sub

Private Sub FrmLogin_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

Private Sub frmSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles frmSearch.Click

orastrSQL = "Select * from table_info WHERE (Name='" & Me.TextBox1.Text & "')"

oracmSQL = New OleDbCommand(orastrSQL, oracnSQL)
oradrSQL = oracmSQL.ExecuteReader()

If oradrSQL.Read() Then
TextBox1.Text = oradrSQL.Item(0).ToString
TextBox2.Text = oradrSQL.Item(1).ToString
TextBox3.Text = oradrSQL.Item(2).ToString
TextBox4.Text = oradrSQL.Item(3).ToString
TextBox5.Text = oradrSQL.Item(4).ToString
TextBox6.Text = oradrSQL.Item(5).ToString
TextBox7.Text = oradrSQL.Item(6).ToString
MessageBox.Show("Data Not Found", "Serach", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub frmExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles frmExit.Click
End Sub

Private Sub frmDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles frmDelete.Click
orastrSQL = "Delete from table_info where Name='" & TextBox1.Text & "'"

oracmSQL = New OleDbCommand(orastrSQL, oracnSQL)
MessageBox.Show("Deleted Successfully")
End Sub

Private Sub frmUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles frmUpdate.Click

orastrSQL = "Update table_info set Age ='" & TextBox2.Text & "',Sex ='" & TextBox3.Text & " ', " _
& "Address ='" & TextBox4.Text & "'," & "Phone ='" & TextBox5.Text & "'," _
& "Email ='" & TextBox6.Text & "'," & "Nationality ='" & TextBox7.Text & "' where Name ='" & TextBox1.Text & "'"

oracmSQL = New OleDbCommand(orastrSQL, oracnSQL)
MessageBox.Show("Updates Successfully")
End Sub
End Class

All SQL statement are declare above portion.

Print Screen

so lets try.

You can see DEMO from this link SAMPLE DEMO

Note: This Example is for applicable only desktop applications

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